Fathom Mag

Letter from the Editor

Issue No. 8: Review

Published on:
April 11, 2017
Read time:
2 min.
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This week is Holy Week. It began with Palm Sunday, and it ends with Resurrection Sunday. It’s a week we reflect on the final days of Jesus’ life on earth, where we review what has gone before and what will come after.

With this issue, we too wanted to review what has gone before us and what still lies ahead.

Brandon Giella

We began with the beginning, with the word of God. Jonathan reviewed Bibliotheca, one of the most beautiful Bibles ever printed. Though Gutenberg’s forty-two-liner has held that prize for a while, it might be time to make room on the shelf.

We were also given from our friends at Crossway the privilege to review their Reader’s Bible, the six-volume masterpiece with which they intend to slow down the reader, and to invite us all back to a time of flawless craftsmanship.

Our feature piece from Abby Perry reviews just what that buzzword community really means in her article “What Friends Are For.” Why do we use the word so often, and what does true community even look like?

Another article from Rachael Starke reviews the meaning of truth in an alt-truth, fake news world. She argues that, in Christ, Christians are free to recognize that they don’t know everything.

This issue also features reviews on the film Logan, the new novel by George Saunders called Lincoln in the Bardo, and Beauty and the Beast.

Diane McDougall, editorial director at Journey Group, gave us some insight into the world of online dating in an entertaining piece about modern relationships.

We also covered the work of C. S. Lewis and the power of myth, partying, mathematics, church architecture, and surviving the Ironman race.

We’ll take the stories no one else will.

Consider submitting that story you’ve been putting off, that article idea that won’t leave you alone, or that visual art that brought someone to tears. What do our readers need to hear?

Fathom’s feature artist this issue is a Dallas Seminary student named Katie Fisher. She’s a good friend and a better artist, challenging us all to sit our butts in that chair and make something.

If visual art isn’t your thing, try your hand at one of our poems—or even submit a poem yourself.

Also, we’re starting up a weekly newsletter to offer a more intimate and vulnerable way to connect with our readers. We want it to be a calm place to grab a coffee and read a letter from one friend to another.

We hope this issue, and this Holy Week, is a delight to you as you reflect, refresh, and review what has come before, where you are now, and what lies ahead as we all await the glorious day that is soon to come. Happy Easter.

And as always, thanks for reading.

Brandon Giella
Brandon is the content editor for Fathom, serving as its copy editor. He also serves as a content developer for The Starr Conspiracy, a full-service digital agency in Fort Worth, TX. You can find him on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Cover image by Joel Filipe.

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