Fathom Mag

Anti-Racist Resources

Revisit Fathom articles addressing the problem of racism.

Published on:
June 4, 2020
Read time:
2 min.
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Year after year in America, black communities, along with other communities of color, have asked our nation to listen, lament, and then relentlessly pursue the eradication of racism. The Fathom editors want to give you an opportunity to read the words regarding racism that have been published here over the last three years with the intent to do just that. The articles have been seperated in broad categories and we encourage you to visit articles from each one. Our prayer is that we would all read with ears ready to listen, hearts ready to learn and lament, and minds ready to make plans of decisive action so that it may be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Listening to the Black Experience and Cultivating an Anti-Racist Mentality 

I’m made in His image too. 

An Imago Dei For Colored People

Bleeding Steel 

Why Remembering the Past is No Laughing Matter

America, free my people!

What’s in a last name?

Black Women Don’t Cry

Humanizing the Headlines 

The Pursuit of Racial Justice and Equality

Finally Healing the Wounds of Jim Crow

The Unmaking of Racism 

Great Commission Christianity Keeps Blacks Away From Evangelicalism

Unity Does Not Mean Uniformity 

The time is right for Raise Your Voice

Lazy Lips

Race in the Classroom and Racism in the Classroom

Emissaries of a Glorious Nation

Recognizing and Repenting of our Histories of Racism

Baptized into Racism but Raised to Walk with Christ

The Sins of Our Fathers

My Great-Great-Grandfather, the Slave Owner

My Relative, a Slave Owner

I can’t protect your story. 

Restless Unrest

Blood Always Cries Out

Call for Prioritizing the Common Good 

Helplessness Blues

Courage for Our Friends

Break the Teeth in Their Mouths, O God

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