Fathom Mag

Letter from the Editor

Published on:
February 8, 2017
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2 min.
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This issue is devoted to Vision. While it’s a broad term and needs to be fleshed out, the pieces in this issue reflect the vision we at Fathom have for the church.


We start with the two featured pieces in this issue on race and women.

In the piece on race, Jemar Tisby shows the difference between intent and impact and why that is important in how we act and show empathy.

In the piece on women, Hannah Anderson sets out a track for the church’s mission and the Great Commission that includes both men and women (not just men as the American church is so apt to do). 

Both of these piece are essential reads. I mean, come on, Jemar Tisby and Hannah Anderson wrote them so you know they’re going to be good.


We are also publishing some more poetry. We’ve got two poems for you.

The first is written by singer-songwriter Todd Agnew about the oft-neglected Bible character, “Leah.” A few lines in it will hit you in the gut over and over again.

The second is a poem called “Smoke and Oxygen.” My favorite poet is Edna St Vincent Millay and the first time I read the poem “Smoke and Oxygen” I thought it followed suit of Edna pretty well. It’s a heavy one, so be wary.


Our podcast guru Drew is tackling a huge issue of what it means to be an evangelical and what the term actually means. This issue is becoming a big debate as many evangelicals are shedding the label after political tensions tainted the term. Drew’s podcast is always one of my favorite things about these issues. Listen to it and enjoy.


We have a very heavy female driven issue (which, if you’ve read my bio, you know I love).

We have a piece on feminism and dating, on infertility, on fiction and scandalizing readers (this piece is written by Jessica Hooten Wilson, who was commissioned to finish the unfinished Flannery O’Connor novel—let it sink in how unbelievably amazing that is), and a piece on the spiritual life (written by a man).

We’ve also got a piece by Courtney Reissig on the neglected group in the church—working moms—and then an interview from designer Kim Goulbourne. The pieces in this issue are fantastic.


We have two reviews for you. The first, due out later this week, is on the film Silence. If you have not seen that I would highly encourage you to see it. It is haunting and somber.

The second is on the NBA winner (National Book Award, not National Basketball Association), The Underground Railroad.


To cap it all off, we’ve got a visionary artist, Brittany Fan. When she submitted a few of her pieces, I liked them so much that I had to include her as the featured artist as soon as possible. Her work has a strange quality that makes me restless and at-ease at the same time. We’re excited to have her and her work.

Jonathan Minnema
Jonathan is the video producer for Fathom Magazine. You can reach him at jon@fathommag.com and @jonminnema.

Cover image by NASA.

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